Archive for February 5th, 2010


i’m back…and bloggin’ for a cause!

while i officially feel like i owe an explanation for my extended blogcation, i will save that topic for a post this weekend because we really must get down to business!  i have to admit i’ve missed blogging and i’m happy to be back – but i’m more excited about WHY i’m back.  my company, fitlosophy, is launching the very first blog your heart out campaign in support of the american heart association and go red for women.  we’re launching this TODAY – february 5th, which just happens to be national wear red day.  [and if you know me at all, you know i love red!]

so what is blog your heart out?  great question.  fitlosophy has selected 5 bloggers (me being 1 of them – i chose myself!) to take the (social media) world by storm and create some noise to raise some much-needed awareness around heart disease – which is the leading cause of death for both women and men.  more on the scary stats later.  so for 12-weeks, the fitlosophy blogging team will blog our way through the american heart association’s betterU program, which is a free 12-week online fitness & nutrition makeover, all the while tracking our progress in our trusty little fitbooks! we are rallying to get people (you!) to not just speak up against heart disease – but make a choice to be healthier by making little changes in your daily lives.  also part of this endeavor, we are declaring february 12th national blog your heart out day (we hope it sticks!) and we are rallying bloggers around the world to blog about heart disease on that day so we truly can spread the word and raise awareness.

so here are a few things i’m asking of you (it’s for your own good!):

1) learn more about the blog your heart out campaign on the fitlosophy website
why? get all the facts and figures on why speaking up about heart disease is so important – like the fact that heart disease kills more women every year than the next 5 leading causes of death combined…including all forms of cancer.  scary huh?

2) join the movement and go red by registering online to speak up against heart disease
why? aside from the obvious reasons of choosing to be healthier…the american heart association will send you a cute little go red dress pin – plus you get a free 12-week fitness and nutrition makeover, access to a free heart checkup, and a community to share your story.

3) join us for the next 12 weeks and follow the betterU program and get a fitbook if you want to track your progress
why: this 12-week program includes step-by-step guidance on leading a healthier life, including fitness and nutrition tips, goal-setting tools, and a community each step of the way.  what’s more: 1/3 of women who participate have lost weight.  this is no diet – this is a lifestyle shift for a healthier you.

4) if you’re a blogger (or know one!) join us and blog your heart out on february 12th. click here to learn more!
why? it’s going to be fun – meet our team of bloggers!  we’re going to be blogging/twittering/facebooking away about this like crazy.  join us, won’t you?!

so why am i so passionate about heart disease and the go red for women movement?  i’m glad you asked 🙂

  • after having lost 3 great grandparents to heart disease and/or stroke and also having my grandmother still struggle with heart problems, i have a very personal connection to this cause.  while i lead a very healthy life, i always want to learn more and see how i can help my family live healthier, happier lives.
  • i feel like it’s my mission and my responsibility to use my god-given passion about health and fitness to try and make a positive difference in the lives of others.  if something i write or say or do can change even one life, then i’ve done what i’ve set out to do.
  • in  a recent fitlosophy survey the results showed that nearly 90% of my customers are women…which to me meant that i have an obligation to reach out to my customers (whom i love!) since this is the leading cause of death among women.  heart disease kills approximately 1 woman every minute.  so i’m merely using my platform with fitlosophy for a good cause.
  • i’m not gonna lie….i love red and i love everything about the go red for women campaign.

so this is my launch post…to tell you why i’m back, why i’m better than ever, and why YOU should help me spread the word.  as promised (above) i will be also blogging about where i’ve been for the past few months, exciting new things with fitlosophy, and random little musings on my life.

with all my heart,

February 2010

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