Archive for September, 2010


(re)freshing dining @ seasons52

[note: pardon the blogging absence. the author has been a busy bee preparing to launch a new fitbook this friday (go PINK!), traveling to & fro for business (vegas baby!), and gearing up as we head into our busy season!]

rarely do i eat anywhere that impresses me enough to talk about it, let alone blog about it!  enter: seasons52.  please note that i am in no way affiliated with them, although if a random manager reads this and wants to send a $50 gift card my way you can email me at  (ha!)  i’m writing about them purely to share a fresh new dining experience that left this little nutrition nut slim but satisfied.  here’s the concept behind seasons52: the menu changes with the seasons so they only use the freshest of ingredients and all items on the menu are under 475 calories.  so i meander over to the new location at south coast plaza this past saturday and was overly impressed with the service and the ambiance of the restaurant.  but being the health-food lover that i am, i knew that i was going to enjoy it, however the love affair began once i took a peek at the menu.  from flatbreads on whole wheat crust to salads with organic greens and entrees that featured sweet potatoes, it was love at first sight.  that’s not to say the foods are bland either – just prepared with fresh ingredients, sharp flavored cheeses, heart-healthy oils, and herbs & spices to add flavor. 

first observation: no bread!  thank you.  i have limited self-control with a bread basket in front of me and have no intention of taking in 200 calories of bread before my meal even arrives. to that point, the waitress informed me that there is actually no butter in the restaurant – what a concept!  so for starters we shared the steamed edamame that came with green tea sea salt followed by the hamachi tataki which was seared over a bed of greens with avocado and a light citrus vinaigrette.  my first impression: love the portion sizes, the presentation, and already the appetizers were incredible.  now, note that my dining partner ordered the appetizers for sheer survival as he was starving and i could not decide what i wanted to order.  usually it takes me 5m max to order at a restaurant: i scan the menu, find the most healthful options that i can tweak to my liking, and bada-boom, we’re done.  not this time.  i think my scanning (read: drooling)  and contemplating over what i wanted took approximately 25m.  seriously – the menu was a health food freak’s haven.  and even then, the dishes sounded amazing regardless if you care about nutritious dining, but knowing that they would all be healthfully prepared opened up my little world from “fish grilled with no oil, double veggies, no potatoes, and no butter please”.

onto the main course.  my mom’s always said i eat like a bird. not to say i don’t eat, but i love to try a little bit of everything so instead of deciding on one of the lunch entrees i decided on the soup and salad.  i was craving a salad but wanted to get some protein that wasn’t grilled chicken, plus i always eat salad so i wanted to try something new.  so i had a cup of the colorado buffalo chili and the small greek salad with feta cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes and olives.   mmmm!  again, the portions were perfect and honestly the prices were very reasonable for what you got.  frankly, i’d rather not get a huge portion and pay for overeating!   then after being fully satisfied, my lunch partner-in-crime decided we needed to at least try one of the mini indulgences which are the teeny shot-glass-size desserts.  i was happy to see among the carrot cake, chocolate peanut butter mouse, and key lime pie they also had a cute little fresh fruit option too!  our choice to share: the pecan pie over vanilla mouse.  with about 4 spoonfulls each there couldn’t have been much (calorie) damage done, but it was the perfect amount to satisfy my sweet tooth!  all in all: a 3-course lunch that left my taste buds happy and didn’t completely negate all the progress i’d made at the gym earlier that day. 

so, my ONLY issue as i was sitting there was this: the menu says that everything is under 475 calories, and while i’m pretty good at gauging healthy options, you never know what restaurants can add to things to make them unhealthy without you knowing it (hello 1200 calories salads!!).  so all i was wondering was: ok so are the appetizers, soups and salads all 475 too, or are they on the lower end of the calorie spectrum and 475 is more the high-end for the appetizers?  it might be helpful for me as a diner (because obviously their diners care) to break out the sections, like all appetizers are under 300 (which most are), flatbreads are 300-450, small salads are under 350, soups are under 200 for a cup, and desserts are 250-250.  let’s assume all courses are 475 – that’s still a day’s worth of calories in one sitting if you don’t watch out!  that would be my only recommendation since their clientele may like a bit more peace of mind ordering the house salad, which by the way clocks in at 48 calories, than thinking it’s racking up 450+ calories.  what i love though is, obviously obsessed with my new find, i wen to their website only to see that they post all of their nutritional information.  all that said though, i can guarantee any 3-course meal at seasons52 is well under the damage done by one course at most other dining venues. 

i for one am overly happy to have found a place where they truly “get it”.  that you can cook clean, healthy foods, using fresh ingredients and still have amazing tasting food.  gone are the days of healthy food being grilled tofu and steamed broccoli.  the one aspect of the menu that i didn’t get to explore (since it was 12:30 on a saturday) was the wine list which looked amazing: 60 wines available by the glass with over 100 options total.  note to self: return with girlfriends to take the wine list for a test drive!  i have a feeling i’ll be back again and again so i can try all the yummy items that i didn’t get to try.  there aren’t a lot of locations yet, but click here to see if there’s one near you or opening soon.

ok that’s a wrap…back to work, but felt it was my duty to share my new find with you.  try it and let me know what YOU think!


SMART(y) entrepreneurs: take note

the second most frequently asked question i get (next to “how do i get fit?”) is: “how did you come up with your idea and start fitlosophy?”  i think people in general are intrigued at the idea of being an entrepreneur.  i know i have been since a very young age.  i wish i could sit here and glamorize it for you, but the truth is that a lot of blood, sweat, and (yes) tears goes into building a company. and even in spite of that, i can honestly say i would rather be doing what i do each and every day with fitlosophy than anything else in the world. that passion, vision, and (darn-near) obsession drives me every single day.  but rather than listen to little ol’ me, i wanted to share the inspiring notes that i took while listening to the editor in chief of entrepreneur magazine, amy cosper, speak at a SMARTY event this week.  in the words of one of my fellow SMARTIES on twitter later that night as we all tweeted away in excitement: “the room was on fire.”  there is an indescribable force of energy and optimism when you put a room full of women entrepreneurs together to listen to someone who, in our world, is like the bill gates of entrepreneurship.

amy delivered. profound, thought-provoking, and insightful: read on for my notes.

on entrepreneurs being born or made
“entrepreneurs are born. anyone can learn business but entrepreneurs have passion & clarity of vision.”  she confirmed my belief that most entrepreneurs just can’t help themselves, and as SMARTY leader cassie stated: “sometimes it’s a curse.”  as amy went on to say, the very word entrepreneur “elicits passion”, and that passion is what drives an entrepreneur to do the things that many people say they want to do, but few rarely follow through.

on common traits of entrepreneurs
“entrepreneurs are fun!,” miss cosper exclaimed to a room full of female entrepreneurs that definitely proved her right.  entrepreneurs are also one step ahead and think differently than many people: “entrepreneurs zig when everyone else zags.”  another factor that separates entrepreneurs from the rest of the pack: “the ability to let their mind go…have no boundaries.”  that freedom of thought, seen by some as irrational or (yes) crazy, is the very thing that drives them, spawns new ideas, and ultimately results in creative and sometimes “wacky” ideas.

on the wackiest ideas
with their “wacky ideas that just might fly” section in each entrepreneur issue, amy has seen her share of crazy, off-the-wall ideas.  her favorites: the pod belt and (get this) chicken diapers, which will be featured in an upcoming issue.  her sentiment on these wacky ideas though was this: that anything is possible and the options are limitless for entrepreneurs that have passion, and most importantly in her words: “clarity of vision.”  it’s one thing to have an idea, but you better have a very concrete idea of where you’re going with it.

on being an entrepreneur – today
while in years past it was about being faster, smarter, or cheaper, today’s entrepreneur must be: “better.”

on what it takes to make it
simply put: money.  that’s not to say that you can’t start up a company with a blackberry and an idea, but one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is not having a plan for the money they do have.  while funding may be hard to come by right now, she was adamant that there is still money out there for the taking.  her recommendations: try going to credit unions and show a strong trajectory of growth.  the latest start-up funding trend: crowdsourcing, on peer-to-peer sites like   amy jokingly (but in all seriousness) stated that “if a business isn’t making money, it’s a hobby.”  so true.

on franchising
a hugely important part of our economy, franchising is a “snapshot of culture” and an important element of doing business.  while a few years ago was the ‘year of the cupcake’ and last year was the ‘year of the sandwiches’, amy confirmed that this year the hot trend in franchising is any product or service that saves someone money.  make sense (see previous point on $$).  while in the past franchisors were fairly strict with franchisees, she said that they’re seeing franchises opening up freedom to owners which is contributing to growth.

on technology trends + social media
with technology growing at an accelerated rate, sometimes it can seem impossible to stay up with the trends, let alone get ahead!  amy’s observation is that this is not slowing down anytime soon, and if anything it’s growing more rapidly.  the one thing technology does for entrepreneurs is makes it easy to get into the marketplace and be competitive – quickly and for very little up-front capital.  social media in particular is a “game changer” that gives entrepreneurs the ability to directly interact with their consumers.  the most important question most people on social media sites like facebook and twitter want to know: “what are you doing for me?”.  amy’s opinion on the most important aspect of social media: authenticity of character.  however, after discussing technology and ways that entrepreneurs can use all of these to build and grow their business, she said that while keeping up with the trends are important, facetime with customers is irreplaceable. (dually noted: let’s do coffee amy!)

on her faves
recently featured in this month’s issue, hautelook is a business that amy mentioned a few times as a business model that has redefined the brick-and-mortar concept of retail shopping.  this membership-based business, founded by adam bernhard just 3 years ago, takes a unique approach to selling designer clothes in a down economy.  and it’s working.  “who says no one is shopping?” her favorite article of all-time?  “tony hawk carves a new niche”, an interview inside the brilliant business mind of the professional skateboarder.

so there you have it, from the editor of entrepreneur! now a few thoughts from yours truly:

on being bold
i went to an entrepreneur event in long beach maybe 2 years ago where there was an opportunity to “pitch the editors”.  so i trek up to long beach, press kit and fitbooks in tow.  i sneak out of the keynote speaking event to get in line to pitch the editors – yes, i was first.  i had 3m to tell them about me, my company, the fitbook, and why they should feature me in entrepreneur magazine.  after that 3m flew by, i walk out of the room and there is miss amy cosper standing right there. hesitating a moment, i convinced myself to walk up to her and pitch her too.  why not go straight to the top right?

on 2 shout-outs
ok fast-forward to tuesday night.  after she was introduced, she looks at me and says “by the way, i love my fitbook!” in front of a room full of people.  i was speechless.  yes, me.  so the interview continues and cassie finishes up by asking her the one question everyone wants to know from an editor: “how do i get in your magazine?”.   she goes on to explain that she appreciates “brilliance that solves problems” and that anyone on twitter that can get her attention in 140 characters is someone worth talking to.  then she turns to me again and says: “i remember meeting you, what was it, 2 years ago?  i remember your pitch – i’ll never forget it.”  wow. because i’m part italian, somewhat sassy, and have no filter whatsoever, my response: “well then, put me in your magazine!”.  her reply: “maybe i will,” with a sly little grin.  so does this mean i’m “in”?  not necessarily (but i hope so).  it means to me that something i did was memorable – and that sometimes, even when i’m really nervous to approach the press or prospective customers, it pays off to be bold and do it anyway.  i must say i was doing my little “happy dance” in my head the rest of the night (and possibly in my bedroom later that night) – and haven’t stopped since.

on being born an entrepreneur
being an entrepreneur is at the heart of who i am – it’s in my blood – and fitness is my passion, hence the launch of fitlosophy!  a third generation entrepreneur, it all started (this entrepreneur itch!) when i was actually just a baby. my mom was the office manager for my grandfather’s business and i was literally in the playpen as a newborn.  it was there where i launched my very first business, a lemonade stand of course, and i got my first taste of being a (little) business woman. i also started working in my father’s bakery when i was just 7 – because i begged him, not because he wanted me to!  he made me memorize all the prices and i had to show him that i could use the cash register all the while perched on a milk crate because i wasn’t tall enough to reach yet.  these early experience shaped who i am, but i have no doubt in my mind that i was born to be an entrepreneur.

on finding your passion
identifying what to apply entrepreneurial energy toward takes some soul searching – but you will find it.  one thing i heard from jack canfield on finding your true passion: look at what magazines you read and it will tell you something about how you love to spend your spare time.  since i was a wee one (ok, 12) i started reading entrepreneur magazine (hey, a girl needs to do her reading so she can properly run her lemonade stand!).  then around 15 i started reading every magazine that was available on fitness and nutrition. so that was a light bulb moment for  me when i realized this about 3 years ago.  i had the drive and innate desire to be an entrepreneur and finally found what i was passionate enough about to devote my heart and soul.  trust me: you better love what you do because you will eat, breathe, sleep, and LIVE your company 24/7.   lucky for me: i do.

on setting (big) goals
a personal goal i set for myself 10 years ago?  to be featured in entrepreneur magazine’s young millionaires issue that features successful entrepreneurs under 40.  so my inner-most secret goal is not so secret anymore and the clock is ticking: 10 years before the big 4-0.  dare i share that with the world?  (ok, just my loyal blog readers, but still)  it’s like any goal, whether it be personal, business, or health-related: tell others – it will hold you accountable and drive you like no other.  so there you have it.  the other night just reignited my passion and drive to reach that goal.  hearing the editor of one of my all-time favorite magazines say she remembered me and loved my product?  i guess it means i’m doing something right.  but i truly believe that if i just stay focused on what i’m doing and why i’m doing it, the rest will follow.  right now: fitlosophy is my passion and i truly am fulfilling my dream of changing the shape of the world – literally.

what’s your dream?  do you have that entrepreneur itch? share your thoughts with me, and who knows…amy might just see them too!

now get off your bum and go make something of this life!


motivating fitbookers: a must-read!

i must say one of my favorite things about fitlosophy is hearing from fitbookers (the name i lovingly call all those who are part of the fitbook family).  i love getting emails with success stories, hearing new ideas from our fans on facebook (we’ve got  fitbook macgyvers out there!), and receiving random twitter shout-outs from fitbook lovers.  one of the more touching parts of what i do is get really personal and heartfelt messages from people who have questions about their overweight child, their ongoing struggles with weight loss, or sometimes just fitbookers looking for motivation anywhere and everywhere.  so sit back and take it in as i list off some resources to help get (and keep) you motivated. 

NOTE: special thanks to laura w. for inspiring this post with her very relevant question: how do you keep people motivated and engaged in the fitbook for the entire 12 weeks? any suggestions?

before i provide you with some resources to motivate you, i would say that the #1 thing that determines success in using fitbook is to do the hard part up front: the 12-week goal setting.  it’s so much easier to dive in and jot down a few things on the weekly planning – “ok i’ll work out these days, i’ll eat healthy, blah blah blah – let me just track daily!”  there is value in tracking daily, no doubt.  but the fitbook is designed to push you to really put some thought into WHAT it is you want to accomplish and WHY.  here are the 3 elements of the 12-week goal-setting that i think are SO crucial to seeing success with fitbook:

1) set measurable, SMART goals (see below for more on this): where are you now and where do you want to be in 12 weeks.  if you really spend the time thinking about this, it makes you reflect on where you are now and what steps need to be taken to get you there.  don’t overlook this important step!  and likewise, set those weekly goals too.  don’t just skip over that page – there’s a reason that you don’t want to do it (and no, it’s not because you don’t have time): make yourself do the work.  you deserve it.

2) find your WHY.  the little cute red motivation box on the 12-week planning pages is quite possibly the most important.  don’t gloss over this one.  the best way to find your motivation is to ask yourself “why”.  here’s an example of a mental dialogue: “i want to lose 5lbs.” why? “i want to be able to fit in my cute skinny jeans.”  why? “because i want to feel more confident and sexy.” (this could go on forever)  but what you get to is that “WHY” – it’s not about the 5lbs, but taking care of yourself  by working out and eating healthy will together positively contribute to improved self confidence.

3) reward yourself people!  i could go on and on about this (and i do, here).  it’s so important that you really put some thought into an effective reward system that will keep you motivated weekly, and even daily, so that you are working for something.  don’t breeze over this section either.  whether it’s daily rewards (i’ll put $1 in a jar everytime i work out) or weekly rewards (when i reach my weekly goals i’m going to treat myself to a massage) it’s important that you use the weekly wrap-up each week to reward yourself for each little step in the right direction.  trouble using the reward system?  some fitbookers actually like using fitbook junior because of the stickers – hey, whatever it takes!

as promised, here is an article + podcast to motivate and inspire, from yours truly:

fitlosophyze your goals: a guest blog post i wrote for the oh-so-popular MizFit blog – and quite possibly my favorite article of mine on goal-setting and what it takes to reach your goals.  (but that’s just my little humble opinion – you be the judge!)

cafecito con me!: a 20m cafecito (coffee break) podcast with the one-and-only ana caban on setting goals, establishing effective rewards, and the science behind fitbook.

other ways that we at fitlosophy try to keep you motivated: connect with us on our (snazzy new + improved) facebook page, follow us on twitter, sign up for our newsletter, and of course read my blog.  MY goal is this: for you to be successful in reaching YOUR goals.  and be on the watch as we offer upcoming 1:1 fitness + nutrition consultations, for fitbookers only.  coming soon!

so now you know that i’m listening, reach out and tell me how i can motivate, inspire, and take you to where you want to go.  comment below, email me at, or reach out on facebook or twitter!  i’m listening.

live life fit…

September 2010

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