Archive for the '12-weeks to a summer bod!' Category


that’s a wRap: REflect + REward + REfocus

RRRrrrrRRRRrrrrRRRRrrrr… [me attempting to roll my tongue via a keyboard]
aren’t you sexy with that svelte summer bod that you worked oh-so-hard for this past 12 weeks? 

one of the most important aspects of setting any goal is to reflect on where you started and what you accomplished.  so often, we focus on what we didn’t do or what we could’ve done better.  while it’s wonderful that you continue to push yourself to be a better YOU, it’s also important that you give yourself  a little pat on the back for making progress, no matter how big or small.  so look back over the past 12-week program.  what were your BIG 12-week goals?  did you reach them? even if you didn’t get 100% to your goal – odds are, you’re that much closer.  if all you do is focus on what  you didn’t do, you’ll actually get down on yourself which is self-defeating.  that distructive thinking is a downward spiral – so don’t get sucked into it!  we’ll use my goals as an example to show you how it’s all in how you look at things that determine your mindset.  one of my favorite quotes: “change the way you look at things, and the things you look at begin to change.”  when we started this 12-week program my goal (ah this is when i love that i’m airing my deepest most inner thoughts for the world to see) was to  “rock my sports bra with confidence in the gym”.  yep – there it is.  i’ve always been “that girl” that works out in a sports bra – not to get the looks or attention, but because that’s how i see every little muscle working and i promise you that you will hold your abs in tighter during your entire workout too.  it keeps my nutrition in check too because if that little 6-pack becomes non-existant, i notice immediately and get back on track.  so confidence was my #1 goal, but since that’s not measurable i decided i wanted to lose 10lbs.  realistically, i probably didn’t have 10 to lose, but this is an example of setting unrealistic expectations.  yes, i even do it!  my other goal was to happily squeeze my booty back in my size 26 jeans.  at competition weight i was a 25 (yikes!) and the all-too-common post-competition weight gain, coupled with a few stressful life events, left me squEEzing into my 27s.  now, before you roll your eyes at my “struggle” to be a size 26 (yes i know what you’re thinking).  remember, happiness with your body isn’t about a number on a scale or a jean size – but how you feel in your own skin.  so the first step is to reflect: i actually started rockin’ the sports bra last week at the gym and i must say that that alone made me feel like i’d achieved my goal – regardless of any numbers.  but if you must know…i lost 4lbs and while the 26s are still snug, i now rock the (looser) 27s with confidence. 

action item: REflect on progress YOU made over the past 12 weeks.  did you reach your BIG goal?  what small goals did you reach along the way?

now onto my favorite part…reward yourself!  um…let me take a moment to say…yay ME!  again, i think we get so caught up in focusing on the negative that we don’t take the time out to reward ourselves for what we do accomplish.  so allow me to convice you to spoil yourself!  rewarding yourself is a positive way of reinforcing good behavior and the byproduct of doing something nice for yourself is that you will be more likely to continue making positive choices.  i’m all about rewards and i often bribe myself even on the silliest of things.  say my goal for the day is to drink 3 liters of water (yes, that’s my daily goal).  and it’s 2pm and i’m really wanting to go to starbucks for my afternoon americano.  i make a little mental note that i have to “earn” my americano by finishing 2 of my 3 liters – and the reward is starbucks.  silly? maybe. but it works.  so over the past 12 weeks i  set my weekly goals (using my lovely new fitbook 3.0!) and then used weekly rewards just as a way to give myself something to look forward to each week.  so some weeks, if i worked out every day i had planned i would reward myself with a pedicure…or if i drank my 3L of water 5 out of 7 days i would buy myself a book i’d been wanting.  the rewards were things i would do anyway, but i used them as lures so i had to earn them!  so my overall 12-week big reward was saving up to spoil myself at lululemn.  each week i ranked my week on a scale of 1 to 10 based on my overall feeling of how i did with my workouts and nutrition, and then i earned the equivalent in $$ each week.  so after 12 weeks i’m happy to say that i EARNED $103 to take myself to buy a few new sports bras or a pair of cute capris!  could i just go and buy them any day i want? sure. but i really really wanted some new workout clothes…so it was a good way to motivate me.  plus it’s good practice in patience and earning something versus instant gratification.  so this sunday: me + an americano + $103 = lululemon shopping spree!

action item: REward yourself for reaching your goals.  what rewards did you set at the beginning of the 12 weeks?  remember to reward goals both big and small.

and finally, the most important part.  with any goal, whether you reached it or didn’t quite get there, it’s important to refocus and evaluate where you’re at and where you want to go from here.  how fun would life be if you just reached a goal and then never made plans to push yourself any further?  maybe you didn’t stick to this 12-week plan quite like you wanted to – so you can set a goal to start the plan over and set a goal to follow it from beginning to end, week by week, just to show yourself you can!  or maybe you followed the plan and made great strides, but now you want to have a bigger goal than just a slim summer bod.  what have you always wanted to try but haven’t?   here are some ideas: sign up for a 5k/10k or even run a marathon, try a sprint or full triathlon, conquer p90x, start training with a personal trainer, take up a new sport you’ve always wanted to try, or (heaven forbid) take a stab at a figure competition (!) or bodybuilding!  whatever floats your boat – and will really excite and drive you.  i’m all about training for something now that is more about my physical abilities than my physical attributes.  i’m still pondering this one to be honest and i’m not quite sure yet where i want to go with it.  part of me has been itching to try a sprint triathlon…but then i’m dangerously close to wanting to train for a marathon too.  someone always told me though that after you run one, you’ll either love running more or despise it.  and i love running…so i don’t want to take the risk of hating it!  so this weekend is my time to REfocus and establish what my next 12 week goals are.  i’ll keep you posted.  have any ideas on what you think i should conquer?  do tell.

action item: REfocus on where you want to go from here.  what will really drive you over the next 12-weeks?  what would push you to be a better you? 

so in closing…i hope you pushed yourself over the last 12 weeks, and i hope that even just one thing i said inspired you to reach new levels of greatness. if there’s one thing i know for sure, first-hand, it’s that we are a work in progress, but that it’s our choice every single day to reach our potential.  besides.  who wants to be mediocre anyway? 

while the 12-weeks to a summer bod program is officially over, my blog is not.  i’ve got a lot more to say. you know me – never at a loss for words. [note: this was going to be a short blog post by the way!]  so what do you want me to blog about?  tell me what you want to read about. c’mon – try me!  this blog is just as much for you as it is for me – so feel free to chime in and be heard and as always, i’ll be blogging my fitlosophy.

live life fit.


summer bod week #12: power through!

one. week. left.  that’s right.  so now’s the time to dig deep and decide how bad you want it (a nice lean summer bod, that is).  whether you’ve been following me through the last 11 weeks or not, i promise you that this week’s workout will rock your body into next week!  don’t think a week can make a difference? i beg to differ.  3500: that’s the calorie deficit you need to have to lose 1 lb.  let me break it down for you.  want to lose 2lbs this week?  it may not sound like a lot but it’s enough to squeeze that sexy booty into those skinny jeans or to make that lean mean set of pecs pop a little bit more as you strut your stuff poolside.  so 2lbs = 7000 calories.  in one week (7 days) that means you need to have a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day.  don’t starve yourself or go nutso for 2 hours on the cardio – it’s quite easy: eat 500 fewer calories and burn 500 more calories.  not a big calorie counter?  me neither.  just get an idea of what a 1700 calorie diet looks like (from my competition) which would work for most guys trying to lean our – and a 1500 calorie plan which would work for the ladies (don’t go below 1200 ever!).  of course this all depending on your height, weight, etc. so check out these online calculators if you really wanna go crazy on the numbers.  point is this: it’s doable, so hunker down and join me won’t you?

for one week – just ONE WEEK, commit right now to:

  • choose to eat clean at every meal: not just some, ALL.
  • eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day: don’t try skipping meals, trust me it’s worse for you.
  • write down every single morsel that you put in your mouth: little bites here and there add up.
  • spend time this sunday prepping your food for the week: you’ll have no excuses to grab unhealthy grub.
  • forgo alcohol completely: unnecessary calories and it alters the way your body metabolizes food.
  • plan out your workouts ahead of time – the entire week: once you’ve written it down, you won’t want to miss it.
  • schedule time into each day: make it a priority to work out!
  • push yourself hard during your workouts – seriously to the point of exhaustion:

[disclaimer: author is not liable for any resulting physical impairment and/or nausea that may result from the workout listed below, so please proceed at your own risk!]

weekly fitness challenge:  circuits, sand + seriously insane intervals
hopefully you’ve been working your way up to this point – because if you haven’t, you’re in for a lil surprise!  last week was incredibly tough with 50m circuits and some massive cardio sessions.  this is the last week, so we’re going to take it up one more notch, switch things up, get outside a bit, and shock the body one more time.  same split schedule as last week (3 days circuits + 3 days cardio) but the circuit sessions vary a bit with location, duration, and exercise and the cardio varies in intensity.  you should be doubled-over in pain at the end of these workouts so that when you truly earn that “killer” rating.  get yourself geared up this weekend and download some brand-spanking-new music to get you through.  then, you know the drill: 1) crank up the tunes, 2) give 110% the entire time, and 3) torch some massive calories. here’s your week #12 plan:

monday: (sandy*) circuit #13
tuesday:  30 minute jog/run + 20m sprint-walks (preferrably outside; sprint for 30s as fast as you can then turn around and walk back quickly the same distance which should take about 1m and 30s – repeat 10 times. go. all. out!  note: this is after a 30m run so you will be dead. promise!)
wednesday: (gym) circuit #14
thursday: tabata treadmill intervals (for your warm-up!) + row-machine (15m) + stepmill (15m)
friday: (sandy*) circuit #15
saturday: cardio intervals (40-45m) OR spinning class (or other intense class)
sunday: active rest day (beach volleyball, swim, bike, hike, walk, dance…play!!)…and recover!

circuit notes: 
perform exercises #1-10 as a circuit for the 45 minutes, repeating as necessary for the entire time. then do ab exercises #11-12 and cool-down. so for example, you should be able to get through the circuit almost 4 times in 45m…then do abs.  lift moderate weight so you can endure!

*sandy circuit is just that: sandy.  whether it’s a beach, a nearby park, your kid’s sandbox, or an elementary school playground, find a sandy location where you can knock out this workout, but also have access to either cement or grass.  exercises that are intended to be in the sand will be indicated in each workout.  this will provide a new form of resistance and will challenge your muscles and heart rate in a crazy new way.  note: remember to take a resistance band and jump rope!!

(sandy) circuit #13:
only exercises marked with a * are to be done in the sand – all others should be done either on grass or a hard surface…otherwise you’ll be a sandy (and exhausted) mess!

  1. squat thrust (burpee) with push-up* (15)
  2. lateral push-up (15) 
    [start in push-up position then walk your hands to the right and do a push-up, then walk hand back to the left and do a push-up, so go side-to-side working each side of your chest]
  3. bicep curl w/resistance band (15)
  4. walking lunges* (15)
  5. squat thrust (burpee) with push-up* (15)
  6. front raise w/resistance band (15)
  7. jump rope (80s)
  8. tricep dips on either park bench or staircase (15)
  9. sand sprint* – all out! (30s)
  10. bent-over row w/resistance band (15)
  11. plank (3 times, 90s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

(gym) circuit #14:

  1. jump rope (80s)
  2. squat (15)
  3. dumbbell overhead press (15)
  4. jumping jack (15)
  5. lateral push-up (15)
  6. clean & press squat thrust (15)
  7. lateral bench hop-overs (15)
  8. dumbbell curls (15)
  9. jump rope (80s)
  10. dumbbell kickback (15)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)

(sandy) circuit #15:
only exercises marked with a * are to be done in the sand.

  1. jump rope (80s) 
  2. lateral push-up (15) 
  3. side raise w/resistance band (15)
  4. squat thrust (burpee) with push-up* (15)
  5. bicep curl w/resistance band (15)
  6. walking lunges* (15)
  7. tricep dips on either park bench or staircase (15)
  8.  sand sprint* – all out! (30s)
  9. row w/resistance band (15) [loop around a pole or post and then sit back into it to work your back with a rowing motion] 
  10. squat thrust (burpee) with push-up* (15)
  11. plank (3 times, 90s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

[gotta give credit to me here…i came up with the sandy workouts all by myself(!), however credit goes to celebrity trainer t.r. goodman for inspiring it with his killer circuit program from men’s fitness!]

weekly nutrition challenge:  pre- and post-workout fuel
quite possibly the 2 most important meals of the day are those you consume right before and right after your workout.  your pre-workout snack/meal is key to giving you just enough energy to get through it, but not so much that you’re full.  i workout in the morning, so your timing may be different, but here’s what i recommend.  if you’re doing a cardio-only workout, my preference is to workout on an empty stomach which i learned from my girl kim when training for the competition.  when you do cardio on an empty stomach, your body has nothing to burn – so it taps right into those fat stores and starts incinerating fat immediately.  need a little something to boost your energy?  my latest obsession is EBOOST which seriously gives you crazy energy (for only 5 calories) without the crash after, and it packs in vitamin c (which is key to blocking stress hormones/cortisol which turns into fat!) and all kinds of other good stuff.  check them out for more info but all i know is that’s the only way i get through 6am spin on fridays!  ok but if you’re doing any type of strength training you need to feed those muscles before you workout.  an ideal pre-workout meal is low in fat, and a balance of low-glycemic (slow-digesting) carbs and protein.  here are some examples:  protein shake + fruit, protein shake + brown rice cake, greek yogurt + apple, protein pudding + 1/2 banana, sweet potato + cottage cheese.  just to give you a few ideas!  try to keep the calories around 150 but no more than 200 or you’ll feel sick.  try and get this down 30-45m prior to your workout but i admit i’m guilty of downing my protein shake on the way to the gym. [my new love EBOOST has found it’s way into my protein shake and i have a surprise little recipe for you in this month’s e-newsletter coming out next week so make sure you’re on my list to get the low-down].  ok so that’s your pre-workout…

now: your post-workout meal. SUPER important because after a killer workout you have to restore those glycogen stores and feed those muscles so that all the hard work in the gym leads to lean, mean muscles [note: ladies – you will not bulk up. i repeat: you will not bulk up. please review my blog and check out my competition pics to see proof that a chick will NOT bulk up when lifting weights and swigging back protein shakes].  the most important part of your post-workout meal is the protein to feed those muscles – which is why protein shakes are the “whey” to go (ha!).  then you want to add in some complex carbs like whole grains and while i’m not a huge proponent of taking in sugar, now’s the one-time during the day you can add in some fast-digesting (read: sugars) carbs.  i’m not promoting this, but IF you must ever have your little treat-o-fro-yo (i.e. golden spoon – sorry shay, i mean yogurtland!), post-workout would be the best time to indulge (moderately, of course).  the most effective post-workout beverage (research based): non-fat chocolate milk!  supposedly it’s the “perfect” ratio of protein and carbs to refuel your body after a workout.  the important thing: find something that works for you.  but here’s what i have: protein shake with 1/2 banana + oats blended in (try it – it’s good!), oatmeal made with non-fat milk + fruit, egg-white omelette with veggies + whole grain toast, or greek yogurt topped with berries and oats.  the list goes on!   some people swig back a quick protein shake, but like i said i time my meals so that breakfast IS my post-workout meal.  workout in the evening?  plan to have your pre-workout meal about a half-hour to hour before when you’re winding things down at work, hit the gym and then your post-workout meal can be dinner: lean protein + veggies + brown rice or even an egg-white omelette (love me some breakfast for dinner!).  just remember: don’t skip these 2 meals…they are vital to reaching your goals!

so that’s that!  questions? please comment and i’ll be happy to respond!  get ready to power through this next week and finish off this 12-week program with a bang.  i’m right here with you every step of the way.  i’m only a few weeks away from a vacay de mexico so talk about focused!  yeah – i am.  100%. all. in. have a fantastic week…and remember to wipe the sand off your hands before swiping the sweat off your forehead.  rooky mistake.


summer bod week #11: excess + moderation

the heat is on…only 2 weeks to the finale of our 12-weeks to a summer bod!  if you’ve been rockin’ these circuits the past 3 weeks you are 1) exhausted, 2) yet energized, and 3) well on your way to that 6-pack.  (speaking of 6-packs did anyone see ashton kutcher’s in killers?  oy.)  sorry – focus.  i don’t know about you but around week 6 or 7 my energy starts to wane a bit on any 12-week program  – and then around week 10 i snap back because the end is near.  and i’m (hopefully) that much closer to my goal.  so what do you do to keep yourself motivated on those tough days?  i literally have exactly 1 month from today until i have to rock a bikini on the beaches of mexico where i was last year at this time, post-competition.  (if you haven’t been following my blog for that long, well just peruse over and check out how rockin’ my bod was.)  yeah.  oh how i remember bouncing around in my bikini without a care (or a jiggle) in the world.  point being: while yes i’m still fit, i ain’t THAT fit!  we all have different measures of where we feel our best – and to be honest i was a bit thin at competition so i’m okay having a little extra booty on the backside.  but you can guarantee that knowing that the mexican beaches are awaiting me in less than 30 days keeps me rather focused every day.  so find out what motivates you every single day.  i keep thinking i should keep a competition pic as a bookmark in my fitbook but i’m not sure yet if it will motivate me or depress me. ha!  whatever your goal is, don’t overwhelm yourself – it really comes down to 2 simple things: exercise in excess and munch in moderation.

exercise in excess
think about it this way: if you plan out your workouts every week, but each day you pushed yourself just 5 minutes more, you’d be that much closer to your goal.  i have a client that i train that has the best attitude: anytime i tell her, give me 3 more…she says “i can do 5 more…i can do 5 more of anything!”.  that sticks in my head everytime i’m working out.  5 extra minutes of running or 5 more reps on your last set of squats…whatever it is, push yourself to excess.  every little bit each day adds up to easily an extra 100-200 calories burned each week.  i tried this out the other day: i ran my 3 miles as planned and then i was going to do 8 sets of sprints where i run 30s sprints on this stretch of road by my house, then walk back which takes about 1 minute and 30s.  i finished my 8 sprint-walk sets and was dead tired.  but i knew i had 2 more in me so i pushed myself beyond my comfort zone and eeked out 2 more (no not 5 – but you get the point).  planning workouts is important so you fit them into your busy lives, but don’t just follow what’s written on the page and call it a day.  push yourself.  go all out. and redefine what it means to check that little box that says “killer” in your fitbook.

munch in moderation
i’ve always been one to preach to enjoy all things in moderation.  however, our society is all about having whatever we want, when we want it, and sometimes i think we lose touch with the meaning of what moderation truly is.  this is really a personal thing and here’s how i define what moderation is to me:  truly enjoying something right up until that point right before guilt starts to set in.  so whether it be money, food, being lazy on the couch…whatever it is.  there is only a certain amount of anything that you can have or do before the positive actually starts to become a negative.  (you may disagree with this on the money issue, but my pastor always says: “if god wants you to have a lot of money then he’ll give it to you – and if he doesn’t it’s because he knows if he does, it will destroy you!)  so as this applies to food – this varies from person to person and you truly have to be aware of your body and mind – which is why we have those cute little smily and frowny faces in the fitbook.  what can you enjoy without going overboard?  for me, i can enjoy my 1 small golden spoon a week – but i can’t (don’t ask me why) even enjoy real ice cream.  would i gain 5lbs if i enjoyed it once a week?  nope – probably not.  but i wouldn’t enjoy it.  i love my wine, but i limit myself to 2 glasses a week (on most weeks).  do i love dessert?  of course!  but i’ll never just order my own – i always share with someone or pass.  practice being mindful so that you enjoy all those little treats – but not to the point of excess.  do you really need that extra glass of wine after you’ve had 2 (although you may not make this decision concsiously, so therein lies the problem)?  or will those extra 2 bites of dessert really make you that much happier or taste better than the previous 2?  shaving off even 1 extra nibble or that 1 extra helping can whittle away hundreds of calories per week – and the best part is you’re still enjoying things, but in moderation (sans the guilt).

combine these 2 little tweaks and you’ve got a killer combo: burning more calories and cutting out unnecessary intake.  the key to both is being tuned in to your body and your mind.  yes it might sound fluffy but it’s true.  i’m so not a “mind-body-get-in-touch-with-your-inner-being” frou-frou person, but there’s something to be said for really focusing on how your body feels when exercising, then pushing it a little further.  same goes for food: don’t just mindlessly munch, really think about if you’re hungry or if you’re really just  ______ [fill in the blank: stressed/bored/tired/angry/lonely].  so try these 2 things this week and let me know if you learn  anything new about yourself – i know i did.  now onto your plan to kick your booty and nourish that bod.

weekly fitness challenge:  (yes) MORE circuits + INTENSE cardio
the end is near – hang in there people.  great thing about these workouts – it’s new every day so while they’re intense, you won’t get bored!  same split schedule as last week (3 days circuits + 3 days cardio) but the circuit sessions are just a tad bit longer…5m to be exact, and remember you can do “5 more of anything”!  remember: at the end of the workouts you should be sopping wet and exhausted.  earn that “killer” rating.  crank up the ipod, move fast between sets, and burn some major calories.  here’s your weekly plan:

monday: circuit #10
tuesday:  cardio intervals (40-45m)
wednesday: circuit #11
thursday: tabata treadmill intervals + steady state cardio (30m)
friday: circuit #12
saturday: cardio intervals (40-45m)
sunday: active rest day (beach volleyball, swim, bike, hike, walk, dance…play!!)

circuit notes: perform exercises #1-10 as a circuit for the 50 minutes, repeating as necessary for the entire time. then do ab exercises #11-12 and cool-down. so for example, you should be able to get through the circuit almost 5 times in 50m…then do abs for a total workout of about an hour. lift moderate weight so you can endure!

circuit #10:

  1. clean & press squat thrust (15)
  2. jumping jack (15)
  3. lateral push-up (15) [start in push-up position then walk your hands to the right and do a push-up, then walk hand back to the left and do a push-up, so go side-to-side working each side of your chest]
  4. jump rope (80s)
  5. jumping jack lunge (15)
  6. bentover dumbbell raise (15)
  7. clean & press squat thrust (15)
  8. dumbbell tricep kickback (15)
  9. jumping jack (15)
  10. lateral bench hop-overs (15) jump back & forth quickly!
  11. plank (3 times, 90s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

circuit #11:

  1. jump rope (80s)
  2. dumbbell bench press (10)
  3. dumbbell deadlift (10)
  4. squat (10)
  5. barbell curl (10)
  6. jump rope (80s)
  7. lying triceps extension (10)
  8. dumbbell side raise (10)
  9. single leg lunge on bench (10/leg)
  10. dumbbell deadlift (10)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)

circuit #12:

  1. jump rope (80s)
  2. squat (15)
  3. lying triceps pullover(15)
  4. jumping jack (15)
  5. lateral push-up (15)
  6. jump rope (80s)
  7. lateral bench hop-overs (15)
  8. jumping jack lunge (15)
  9. jump rope (80s)
  10. dumbbell kickback (15)
  11. plank (3 times, 90s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

[credit goes to celebrity trainer t.r. goodman for designing this killer circuit program from men’s fitness!]

weekly nutrition challenge: write. everything. down.
if you’re already doing this then odds are you’re seeing results.  but if you’re not, you might give it a whirl.  check this out: in a study by kaiser permanente, nearly 1700 participants were asked to eat healthy and exercise.  nearly 2/3 of participants lost 9 lbs over the 6-month period, however those who logged their diet and exercise lost an average of 20 lbs – more than double the amount of the non-journalers.  not too surprising then why fitbook works!  but this isn’t about pushing fitbook at all – it’s about you being successful.  heck use a blank notebook for all i care – but please try this.  now, we at fitlosophy are not big proponants of counting calories because frankly it’s exhausting.  but the truth is, losing weight comes down to calories in, calories out.  so when it’s crunch time and i’m wanting to be super diligent with my nutrition, i’ll track my calories in the little notes section.  however, my personal rule is that i won’t do it longer than 1 week – otherwise i get all obsessive.  and that’s no bueno.  but what it does do is help me revisit portion sizes, keep my servings in check, and be mindful of how many calories my body needs and how that corresponds to my hunger levels.  so try this!  again – get a fitbook, a blank notebook, or a spreadsheet (this is how i started before i created fitbook!)…and try this for the next 2 weeks for me for the rest of our 12-week program.  some people tell me they don’t have time – yet they have all the time in the world to complain about being overweight.  lose the excuses.  if you want it that bad, pick up a pen and try it…and then after you’ve tried it, then i might listen if you want to bash it.  (sorry for the lecture – said with love of course)

take this weekend to revisit those 12-week goals that you set just 10 weeks ago – dig deep and figure out what is going to motivate you through these last 2 weeks.  i’m always here for support or to answer any questions you might have.  and if you don’t need that, well then i’m at least here for a few laughs: check out my latest post on a recent gym sighting!

live life fit…


summer bod week #10: holy circuits batman!

we’re on the home stretch here people!  and with 3 (yes, THREE) weeks until we’re in the full swing of summer, i would recommend channeling that anxious energy into getting killer workouts rather than stressing about those looming thoughts of baring all.  truth is: confidence is what’s beautiful and nothing builds confidence like pushing your body to extremes.  enter: more killer circiut workouts this week!  why circuits you might ask?  well – the whole purpose of these last 4 weeks is to lean out and we spent the first part of the program developing endurance, building strength, and now we want to lean out and burn fat.  circuits are perfect for that.  in fact, circuit training burns up to 30% more calories than just cardio or strength training alone.  by combining strength training with little bursts of intense cardio, we tap into those fat stores and incinerate those lil’ suckers.  so bear with me…you thought last week was tough?  buck up buddy-o because it’s only gonna get harder.  what i love about this workout program?  you can do like i did yesterday and workout in your garage or even backyard!  all you need is a jump rope and a resistance band ($20 tops for both).  you can modify every workout to be a completely gym-free workout which means there are NO excuses for skipping workouts.  oh trust me, i have plenty of them, but like the fitbook says in week #10: “lose the excuses – they won’t get you any closer to your goals.”  short on time? plan ahead.  go to target this weekend, get a jump rope and resistance band, and any day you’re feeling crunched for time, wake up and get your circuit workout in or if it’s a cardio only day, lace up your tennies and hit the road!   ha – try and give me an excuse NOW! 

the 2nd and very vital part of snapping your body into shape is your nutrition. and the tricky thing about that is often times the nutrition part is the hardest!  yes we all know pretty much how to eat right and what we should/shouldn’t eat, but when emotions, stress, cravings, and just plain ‘ol life come into play it’s not so easy.  it’s actually a little bit of a vicious cycle because unless you learn to really connect your mind and body, often time stress triggers eating, which then triggers guilt, which leads to more eating!  agh – STOP!  that’s why i recently picked up a copy of the new bestseller that oprah blessed called “women, food and god” (roth), which is all about really getting to the root of why we eat the way we do and how our mind, body and spiritual self are all connected.  DEEP!  stay tuned as i plan to write a lil’ ol book review on it soon.  anyway – point being that we need to stay focused on our goals.  my thinking is that how beautiful i feel is a direct correlation to how i’m taking care of myself.  eating healthy and making good choices coupled with my kicking my booty in the gym are a killer combo – meaning i can strut my stuff with my head held high, regardless of a number on the scale or a silly size on my jean tag.  [ok = i’m hopping off my soap box now]

now that you’re pumped – grab your fitbook and jot down  your workouts this weekend, prep that food, and gear up for a stellar week!

weekly fitness challenge: LONGER circuits + even MORE cardio
same split schedule as last week (3 days circuits + 3 days cardio) but 1 ) the exercises get even tougher, 2) you go even longer and 3) we’re changing up the cardio a bit!   again – you should be doubled over at the end of the circuit workout.  so plug in your little ipod, crank up the music, and go go go!  move fast between sets – don’t chat – jog to + fro between machines and only grab a quick drink in between circuits…but quickly! 

monday: circuit #7
tuesday: cardio intervals (35-45m)
wednesday: circuit #8
thursday: steady-state cardio (50-60m)
friday: circuit #9
saturday: cardio intervals (35-45m)
sunday: active rest day (beach volleyball, swim, bike, hike, walk, dance…play!!)

circuit notes: perform exercises #1-10 as a circuit for the 45 minutes, repeating as necessary for the entire time. then do ab exercises #11-12 and cool-down. so for example, you should be able to get through the circuit 4 times in 45m…then do abs for a total workout of about 55m.  lift moderate weight – you’ve gotta be able to push through for 40m and it’s tough!

circuit #7:

  1. clean & press squat thrust (15)
  2. jumping jack (15)
  3. lateral push-up (15) [seriously – i need to get some videos on youtube…couldn’t find these!  start in push-up position then walk your hands to the right and do a push-up, then walk hand back to the left and do a push-up, so go side-to-side working each side of your chest]
  4. jump rope (80s)
  5. jumping jack lunge (15)
  6. bentover dumbbell raise (15)
  7. clean & press squat thrust (15)
  8. dumbbell tricep kickback (15)
  9. jumping jack (15)
  10. lateral bench hop-overs (15) jump back & forth quickly!
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 25)

circuit #8:

  1. jump rope (80s)
  2. dumbbell bench press (10)
  3. dumbbell deadlift (10)
  4. squat (10)
  5. barbell curl (10)
  6. jump rope (80s)
  7. lying triceps extension (10)
  8. dumbbell side raise (10)
  9. single leg lunge on bench (10/leg)
  10. dumbbell deadlift (10)
  11. plank (3 times, 60s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

circuit #9:

  1. jump rope (80s)
  2. squat (15)
  3. lying triceps pullover(15)
  4. jumping jack (15)
  5. lateral push-up (15)
  6. jump rope (80s)
  7. lateral bench hop-overs (15) 
  8. jumping jack lunge (15)
  9. jump rope (80s)
  10. dumbbell kickback (15)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)

[again – kudos to celebrity trainer t.r. goodman for designing this killer circuit program i found a long time ago in men’s fitness!]

weekly nutrition challenge: plan it out + jot it down
rarely do i plan meals out in advance, meal by meal, but when it’s crunch time and i want to just be able to follow an eating plan without thinking or letting emotions or stress dictate  my nutrition, i will bite the bullet and plan it out.  painful as it may be, try it for one week.  sit down and make a grocery list of all your clean eats for the week and plan out your meals.  it’s actually fairly easy because you can always make extra when you cook at night so lunches and dinners can often be leftovers.  the key here is plan every morsel…breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and treats.  then follow it to a tee. do it for one week and see how you feel.  were you hungry?  do you often snack if you’re not hungry?  what are your trigger foods that you should avoid?  really take time this week to connect with what foods work for you and those that don’t.  i’m all about enjoying all things in moderation, but if i know that i cannot cohabitate with a pint of ice cream in my fridge without it haunting me day and night, why torture myself?  i treat myself once a week to a single-serving size of golden spoon, and then go about my week without sabbotaging myself!  set yourself for success and aim to eat clean about 90% of the time.  what do i mean by clean? check out last weekstay tuned next week for my inside scoop on the best pre- and post-workout meals to fuel those workouts and feed your muscles.

alrighty peeps – i’m off to enjoy a sunny weekend!  rest up and get some shut-eye this weekend so you’re fully recovered and ready to hit it hard next week.  just think: those visions of bikinis and speedos that are dancing (or lurking) in your head are only a mere 3 weeks away.  and if you want to know my NUMBER ONE tip for having a killer bod in a bikini: exude happiness.  that alone has more impact on how you look and feel than anything in the world. 

with that…i’m off to sport my bikini and hit the pool for some laps!
live life fit…

p.s.  questions or comments – talk to me people, i’m getting lonely!


summer bod week #9: bbq survival guide

ahh…a 3 day weekend.  if you were a brave soul last week and joined me for the circuit workouts then you’ve definitely earned a little r & r!  holy camoly the circuits were brutal – but beware it gets tougher this week.  i did 3 days of cardio for 45m-1hr each day plus the circuit workouts the other 3 days.  i must admit i squeezed in an extra 2om cardio on the circuit days.  it’s a mental thing for me.  i know circuit training actually burns more calories because you’re combining strength and cardio, but i can’t seem to get it through my little head that it’s ok to NOT be in the gym for an hour.  it’s like i have this little time-clock in my head and if i don’t reach that one hour point i feel like i haven’t worked out hard enough. silly, i know.  plus, with only a mere 4 weeks left in the program, adding a little extra cardio doesn’t hurt when you’re trying to lean out!  check out this week’s workouts…and then onto my handy bbq survival guide for all of you that will be partaking in any memorial day festivities that usually include burgers, brats & beers.  read on…

weekly fitness challenge: more circuits + even more cardio
this week has a similiar split schedule to last week (3 days circuits + 3 days cardio) but 1 ) the circuits include harder exercises, 2) you do the circuits longer and 3) we’re upping the cardio even more!   if you are not on the verge of getting sick at the end of the circuit workouts, take your pen and check the “good” box in your fitbook and next time work hard to make it “killer”!  the best thing about these workouts: you’re working every body part during each workout but giving each muscle group time to rest in between so that you can really work hard since muscles are fresh once you get back to them!  here’s your weekly schedule and below are the circuit workouts.  take time sunday to jot the circuits down in your fitbook and you’ll be ready to go!

monday: circuit #4
tuesday: cardio intervals (30-40m)
wednesday: circuit #5
thursday: steady-state cardio (45-60m)
friday: circuit #6
saturday: cardio intervals (30-40m)
sunday: active rest day (beach volleyball, swim, bike, hike, walk…get outside!)

circuit notes: perform exercises #1-10 as a circuit for the 40 minutes, repeating as necessary for the entire time. then do ab exercises #11-12 and cool-down. so for example, you should be able to almost get through the circuit 4 times in 40m…then do abs for a total workout of about 50m. key to this workout: MOVE FAST – NO REST BETWEEN SETS…GO GO GO!  lift moderate weight – you’ve gotta be able to push through for 40m and it’s tough!

circuit #4:

  1. squat thrust (10)
  2. incline dumbbell bench press (10)
  3. bent-over 1-arm dumbbell row (10/arm)
  4. lying overhead triceps extention (10)
  5. jump rope (70s)
  6. squat w/dumbbells (10)
  7. dumbbell curl (10)
  8. dumbbell bench press (10)
  9. dumbbell side raise (10)
  10. jump rope (70s)
  11. plank (3 times, 60s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

circuit #5:

  1. jump rope (70s)
  2. push-ups (15)
  3. dumbbell side raise (15)
  4. lateral bench hop-overs (12) jump back & forth quickly!
  5. jumping jacks (20)
  6. lying triceps extention (15)
  7. squat thrust (15)
  8. incline dumbbell curl (15
  9. jump rope (70s)
  10. dumbbell kickback (15)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)

circuit #6:

  1. clean & press squat thrust (10) oooh these are brutal – see video for example…do the 2nd one if you canw/the press. (author note: after taking this long to find a video of this exercise, i think i am going to break out my FLIP soon!)
  2. single leg lunge on bench (10/leg)
  3. dumbbell bench press (10)
  4. seated dumbbell overhead press (10)
  5. jump rope (70s)
  6. bent-over 1-arm dumbbell row (10)
  7. barbell curl (10)
  8. dumbbell deadlift (10)
  9. jumping jack lunges (10/leg)
  10. dumbbell triceps extension (10)
  11. plank (3 times, 60s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 60s each side)

[again – credit goes to celebrity trainer t.r. goodman for designing this program i found along time ago in men’s fitness…it is killer]

weekly nutrition challenge: bbq survival guide
nothing like a memorial day bbq to get you in the summer spirit!  i’m all about living life (fit) which means enjoying (almost) all things in moderation.  thing is: you can easily get through a bbq without doing too much damage, you just have to 1) plan ahead, 2) be strategic, and 3) be mindful.  if it’s your bbq then it’s easy: make sure you have a healthy cookout.  i’m not saying grill up veggies and a side of sauteed tofu here people, just healthy tweaks.  for example, for your burgers try going with grass-fed bison (buffalo) which is leaner than other types of beef, and then when you’re making the patties add in about a cup of diced up portobello mushrooms.  it cuts calories, makes more burgers, and actually keeps them super moist!  but odds are you’re going to be at a pot-luck style bbq with all the (not-so-healthy) fixin’s.  so here are a few things you can offer to bring – you’ll be a generous guest and ensure you’ll have a few healthy options:

  • orowheat whole wheat 100-calorie sandwich thin buns – a better option than those big buns that pack in  200 cals each!
  • a pack of veggies burgers – a thoughtful option for non-meat-eaters at the shindig.
  • LEAN turkey burger patties – don’t be fooled though, restaurant turkey burgers can actually pack more calories & fat than beef so if you buy the turkey at the store buy extra lean.
  • a veggie platter – instead of ranch dip, add a pack of the powdered ranch seasoning to non-fat greek yogurt.
  • light beverages – whether it’s coke zero, vitamin water, or corona light, trust me there’s always someone at the party that appreciates a lower-cal alternative; if opting for alcohol just remember to sip water in between so you don’t throw back 500 calories!
  • fruit popsicles or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches – these are a light and fresh alternative to heavy desserts and both have only around 100 cals.  plus they’re already single-serve meaning no cutting and serving a messy pie or cake!

so there you have it: a quick little how-to guide to get through any bbq while still enjoying yourself!  important though: if you’re following our 12-week plan, our focus this week is the same as last: eat clean.  so enjoy your bbq as your cheat meal (not cheat DAY) and then get back on our plan so you can reach those long-term goals.  and just because monday is a holiday (here in the states anyway) doesn’t mean you don’t work out.  wake up, get it in early so you can go on about your day and enjoy yourself.  i promise you’ll feel better that you did.

any questions, comments or random thoughts on the blog – feel free to comment! last thing: check out our new facebook fan page for a 3-day only promo for facebook fans only…good through sunday at 12pm PST!  now i’m off to enjoy my 3-day weekend…WOO HOO!


summer bod week #8: clean up + lean out!

ahhh…spring is in the air!  despite a little grey weather lately, i must say i love the brisk mornings and the warm afternoons that are just teasing us with summer right around the corner.  this time of year i get the spring cleaning itch and it began this weekend after plowing through my entire house.  organizing…cleaning…sorting…and tossing any excess stuff which really serves no purpose other than the added anxiety that i get from trying to keep it all organized!  my inspiration? well, other than the parents coming to town for a visit for the holiday weekend, our upcoming e-newsletter is all about spring cleaning so after working on that this past week – i’m inspired.  but obviously this isn’t about spring cleaning mi casa – this is all about cleaning up your diet and leaning out those bods for summer.  we’re in week 8, which means 1 of 2 things: 1) you’re completely on board and have seen such great success that you’remotivated as we head into the last 4 weeks or 2) you’re kicking yourself because somewhere around week 2 or 3 you fell off the bandwagon and gave up.  either way – tomorrow is always a new day which means we have the opportunity to make even better choices and making those little choices every day leads to big success over time.  so pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and let’s spruce up your nutrition plan and polish that workout program!  grab your broom (er, dumbbells) and let’s get to it!

weekly fitness challenge: killer circuits + cardio/cardio/cardio
circuit training is the best way to lean out because you’re increasing the intensity of your entire workout but you’re still including resistance training.  i’m warning you: this workout will kick your butt.  and if it’s not, then you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.  we will do circuits for the next few weeks but each week they’ll get harder.  so here’s your weekly schedule and below are the circuit workouts….and i will be doing these too so never fear, i will be in pain along with you!  note: if you want to switch the off day with one of the cardio days that’s fine, whatever works with your schedule but just be sure there’s a rest day between each circuit workout.  jot the workouts down in your fitbook before you head to the gym and you’ll have them handy to reference!

monday: circuit #1
tuesday: steady-state cardio (30-45m)
wednesday: circuit #2
thursday: cardio intervals (20-30m)
friday: circuit #3
saturday: steady-state cardio (30-45m)
sunday: active rest day!

circuit notes: perform exercises #1-10 as a circuit for the 30 minutes, repeating as necessary for the entire time. then do ab exercises #11-12 and cool-down.  so for example, you should be able to almost get through the circuit 3 times in 30m…then do abs for a total workout of about 40m.  key to this workout: MOVE FAST – NO REST BETWEEN SETS…GO GO GO!  lift moderate weight – you’ve gotta be able to endure for 30m!

circuit #1:

  1. jumping jack (20)
  2. push-ups (12)
  3. single-leg lunge on bench (12/leg)
  4. dumbbell curl (12)
  5. squat thrust (12)
  6. lateral dumbbell raise (12)
  7. squat w/dumbbells (12)
  8. lateral bench hop-overs (12)  jump back & forth quickly!
  9. jump rope (60s)
  10. dumbbell tricep kickback (12)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)

circuit #2:

  1. squat thrust (10)
  2. dumbbell side raise (10)
  3. bent-over single-arm dumbbell row (10)
  4. single leg lunge w/back leg on bench (10/leg)
  5. dumbbell overhead triceps extension (10)
  6. squat thrust (10)
  7. barbell curls (10)
  8. dumbbell bench press (10)
  9. squat thrust (10)
  10. dumbbell overhead press (10)
  11. plank (3 times, 60s each)
  12. side plank (3 times, 30s each side)

circuit #3:

  1. jump rope (60s)
  2. dumbbell squat (10)
  3. lying tricep pullover (12)
  4. jumping jack (12)
  5. push-ups (12)
  6. jump rope (60s)
  7. lateral bench lunge (12)
  8. jumping jack lunges (12/leg)
  9. jump rope (60s)
  10. dumbbell tricep kickback (12)
  11. crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)
  12. side crunches on ab ball (3 sets of 20)

[gotta give credit where credit is due – this is a workout i found a long time ago by celebrity trainer t.r. goodman…it rocks]

weekly nutrition challenge: clean it up
workout out all you want and if you’re not eating a healthy, clean diet, you may as well kiss any plans to see that 6-pack goodbye.  it’s all about eating clean.  so – this doesn’t mean starve yourself.  on the contrary, the cleaner you eat, actually the more volume of food you can eat because clean, healthy foods tend to be lower in calories.  so – here are a few tips for this week to clean up your diet and yes, we’re going to take a few things away, and NO you don’t have to do it.  but if you wanna lean out, well, you’ve gotta sacrifice something.  this little plan is a derivation of my 4 weeks out competition diet – so beware, this is not for the weak.  enjoy!

  • limit dairy (low or non-fat) to only one serving per day
  • try substituting milk or soy milk with almond milk (unsweetened!)…you’ll never go back!
  • drink a gallon of water per day
  • limit condiments that usually just add either salt or sugar (ketchup, salad dressing, salsa, etc.)
  • no starchy carbs (yes – this means NO bread!)…only whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, oats, etc.)
  • max of 1 egg yolk per day – unlimited egg whites though!
  • alcohol: hate to tell you but this isn’t really included, but if you must, choose 1 glass of red wine

need clean eating recipe ideas?  i subscribe to clean eating magazine (or even peruse their recipes online) and check out the recipes on my blog or at fitness & spice.  other great resources: note: you can add in a cheat meal per week and i actually recommend it so that you don’t lose your sanity.  but it’s a cheat MEAL, not day.  make sure your cheat meal is not on your off-day and be sensible…trust me if you go all out with burger, fries, and shake, you’ll pay later!  maybe your cheat is a healthy dinner and splitting dessert with a friend or enjoying a glass of wine and a few chocolate strawberries.  love burgers?  have one – but consider making it at home versus ordering out…they can pack nearly 1000 calories!  remember: the point is to treat yourself for doing great all week, but then quickly get re-focused.  my cheat (in case you’re new to my blog): golden spoon frozen yogurt…mmmm!

alrighty…so there you have it: a lean-and-mean workout routine and a spic-and-span clean eating plan!  along with this theme of spring cleaning, make sure you’re subscribed to receive the fitlosophy e-newsletter coming out THIS week which will be our special spring cleaning issue, full of fresh new things at fitlosophy, super spring savings, my picks for the summer’s best beach reads, an update from our miss shay sorrells from the biggest loser, and of course a recipe for you!

happy sweating…


summer bod week #7: prep school

“if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” 

obviously anyone that creates something like the fitbook is your typical type-a, mildly obsessive, totally organized personality.  and while there are some downsides which i won’t bore you with, when it comes to your fitness + nutrition (and life!), planning ahead is crucial.  i’m always lecturing on this subject which is why i’ve pulled together a little prep school 101 for you so that anyone can apply some or all of these lessons to your lifestyle.  ok class – pay attention:

begin with the end in mind
whether it’s your health or even your finances or a project at work, the first step to making a plan is to identify where you’re going first.  that’s why about 7 weeks ago we set our 12-week goals so that we’re not just reaching for some arbitrary goal, but we have a concrete idea of where we’re going and how we’re going to get there.

break it down
while i love dancing, no this is not what i mean here. focus. it’s important to take that big goal and break it down into smaller, more achievable steps.  while a big goal like “i want to lose 12 lbs” might seem overwhelming, breaking it down into “my goal is to lose 1 lb per week” makes it seem more attainable.  if you don’t break goals down into little bite-size chunks, often times you get overwhelmed and give up before you’ve even started.

work it out
for me, i never go to the gym on sunday.  and while i do something active (walk, rollerblade, swim, etc.), it’s just the one day where i don’t want to step foot in the gym.  so i use that extra time on sunday evenings to sit down and plan out my week’s workouts ahead of time. while not everyone uses the fitbook this way (and that’s ok), it was designed to help you map out your week ahead of time so that you know not only what you’re doing at the gym each week, but you set a time schedule it into your day.  our days are crammed with work, family, and often times random chaos – and i promise you that if you don’t block out time to workout, odds are that you won’t fit it in.  sit down and plan out your week to give you a week-at-a-glance view of what’s ahead. while inevitably you’ll have to switch things up, odds are that you’re more likely to stick to it if you plan ahead!

grill, boil, slice and dice
after i make dinner on sunday night, and since the kitchen is already in cooking-mode, i take about 20m to prep healthy foods for the week ahead so that i can “assemble” foods during a busy day instead of slaving over the stove.  plus it makes it ten times easier to have your grab-and-go meals be healthy instead of accidentally veering toward a drive-thru or opting for highly-processed “health” foods.  while your list may vary, each sunday i try to prep my proteins (grill chicken, hard boil some eggs, thaw fish, cook ground turkey), boil my whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, steel cut oats), and then slice and dice fruits and veggies and place them in the fridge at eye-level so they’re the first thing i reach for.  other foods you can prep before-hand:  protein pancakes, spaghetti squash, and homemade trail mixes in pre-portioned baggies.  having those foods prepped almost guarantees you’ll make healthier choices throughout the week because a.) it’s already ready to go and takes less work than anything else and b.) you’ll want to consume those things first so they don’t go bad.

ok class, now that you’re on the up-and-up on planning, here’s your weekly assignments to whip those bods into killer shape – focus and be determined as we head into week 7!

weekly fitness challenge: switch days + up intensity
this is the last week on the same plan – but the last thing you want is to be bored, not just mentally but you don’t want your body to get in a rut either.  so continue with the same workout plan this week, but when planning your workouts for the week, switch up a few of your days and even alter which lifting you do with which cardio workout.  keep that body guessing for maximal fat burn.  then, again this week step it up even more on your intensity.  this is why we jot down important info like distance/stairs/RPMs…each week you can challenge yourself to push harder and beat that number within the same time frame, meaning that you’re working harder.  the last 4 weeks are going to be semi-torturous (hey – you want this right?), but that means you need to push yourself hard this week to prepare for what’s to come. so sprint faster, lift more weight – and push through.

weekly nutrition challenge: prep + pre-portion
in line with today’s lesson, even though sunday night is gone (note: author apologizes for her late post due to her un-planned afternoon nap that extended into the early evening) when cooking dinner on monday night, play around in the kitchen and prep foods for the week.  pick and choose what foods work well with your nutrition plan, but aim to have at least 1 protein, 1 whole grain, and unlimited fruits + veggies prepped so you can keep on track throughout the week.  take it one step further and pre-portion your meals so that in a rush you don’t grab too much or if you’re starving, you don’t scarf everything in sight.  i like using little snack-size baggies or even invest in a tupperware set that has the tiny little that measure out a 1/2 cup.  rule of thumb for portions: proteins should be 4-6oz, whole grains and dairy should be 1/2 cup, and you want to keep fats to 2 tbsp.  [visit the food log guide page of the fitbook for more deets!]  don’t own a food scale?   i highly recommend it so that you keep your portions (and caloric intake) in check.  you’d be surprised how even just an extra 100 calories per day is all that’s standing between you and your long-term goals.

now class, if you have any questions/comments/concerns…leave a comment and i’m happy to help.
make it a great week…class dismissed!


summer bod week #5: change it up!

change is good.  trust me.  we may not always like change – but (in my humble opinion) looking back, you can always see the good that you may not have seen amidst the chaos of change.  we’re such creatures of habit – but whether it be your life or workouts and nutrition, a little change does a world of good.  here is one of my favorite quotes that motivates me and reminds me to embrace change:

“if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
~mark twain

which leads me to week #5 of our 12-weeks to a summer bod.  hopefully you’ve been pushing yourself the past four weeks and really got in the routine of working out 5-6 days a week,  eating more healthy and clean (most of the time), and odds are you’re seeing a change in your body.  so leave it to me to pull the rug out from underneath you once you’re just starting to get comfortable!  this week we change it all up and shock your body.  with workouts especially it’s important to switch up your workouts every 4-6 weeks because our bodies adapt.  keeping the body guessing is how we maximize our time in the gym and really reach those goals of a lean 6-pack rockin’ bod by summer.

weekly fitness challenge: shock it and rock it!
say goodbye to 1 muscle group per day and those enjoyable little cardio sessions where you can enjoy american idol.  no mas muchachos/muchachitas!  it’s seriously starting to get warm out which means we must kick it into high gear.  here’s your workout splits for the next 4 weeks although i’ll tweak it a bit and challenge you as we go.  since we’re going to 2 body parts per day in lifting, we’re adding in interval training in (which means more intensity but less time) so you’ll still get in and out in about an hour.  upping the weights – decreasing time on cardio, but increasing the overall intensity!

for strength training do 2-3 different exercises per body part with 4 sets per exercise.  in this phase we’re going to add some muscle (don’t worry ladies – you won’t bulk up!) so the first 2 sets go heavy (6-8 reps) and the last 2 sets drop the weight and do 15-20 reps.  this will build muscle and then lean out by following up with high reps.most importantly – keep moving in between sets to maximize fat loss and keep that heart rate up!  then for cardio we’re going to really mix it up with a focus on high-intensity interval training which is going to torch fat and calories much faster than steady state cardio because of the “afterburn” effect, meaning after intervals your body continues to burn calories!  proof: in my recent muscle & fitness hers mag they referenced a study where athletes who performed 20 weeks of endurance training burned 28,661 calories and an interval group trained for 15 weeks and burned on 13,614 calories,  however, because of the afterburn effect, the interval-training group showed greater fat loss than the endurance group.  ok enough convincing – here’s your program:

monday: back/biceps + 20m stepmill/stairstepper intervals*
tuesday: legs/abs + 12m treadmill tabata sprints** (see below)
wednesday: hour-long class (yoga/spin/kick-boxing) or 30-40m jog/run
thursday: chest/abs + 20m row machine intervals*
friday: shoulders/triceps + 12m treadmill tabata sprints**
saturday: legs/abs + 30m steady state (but keep heart rate at 65-70%)
sunday: active rest – swim, rollerblade, walk your dog – anything!

*intervals: for 20m intervals, do 2 minutes at a tough but manageable pace, then go all out for 30 seconds pushing yourself as hard as possible.  take note of stairs climbed or distance ran – and next week aim to beat that number in the same amount of time.  the goal here: kick your own butt.

**tabata: this high intensity interval training (HIIT) program will kick your butt into next week.  on the treadmill, warm-up at a jogging pace at a low incline.  i’ll use my numbers for example purposes.  so i warm-up at 5.0 at a 3% incline for 4 minutes.  then double everything, so i go to 10.0 at 6% incline and then get ready for 4 minutes of hell. jump on the treadmill (be careful) and sprint all out for 20 seconds…hop off the side and recover for 10 seconds. get back on again and sprint for 20, jump off and rest for 10.  do that 8 times through for a total of 4 minutes.  then go back to your warm-up speeds by going back to 5.0 at 3% incline and cool-down for 4m.  i promise you your chest will be pounding like no other – killer.

weekly nutrition challenge: portion distortion
after doing both competitions, i’m not big on calorie-counting. i despise it actually, but unfortunately leaning out is all about calories-in/calories-out. muscle & fitness had this great little formula for calculating how many calories you should eat. you figure out how many hours per week you work out and add that to 9. so for me, i work out at least 6 hours a week (probably more, but i wanted to be conservative) so i add that to 9 to get 15. then you take that and multiply it by your target body weight (mine is 110)…so that’s how i came up with 1500! not rocket science but it’s a different way of figuring out your target caloric intake needs. your focus this week – even if you’re not wanting to track calories – is to really keep portion size under control. just this week do me a favor and measure things: a 1/2 cup isn’t really as much as you’d think…and pay attention to labels and serving sizes. jot down the portion sizes in your fitbook and after just one week of this you’ll have a better idea of why you may not be seeing the scale budge. you must have a calorie deficit of 3500 through a combination of working out more and eating less to lose one pounds so NOT knowing your portion sizes can sabotage your success.

stay focused and if you’re getting a little antsy, flip back to your 12-week plan in your fitbook to remind yourself of WHY you’re doing this. keeping in touch with that inner-drive will help you stay motivated on tough days. case in point: i went to sport my cute little capri jeans for the first time this year since it’s warm out and the last time i wore them was post-competition last year when i was a little itty bitty thing. regardless of knowing that, it doesn’t exactly leave you feeling stoked when your bum won’t fit in a pair of jeans. so – i could’ve slipped into sweats and headed straight for the freezer to indulge in a pint of ice cream. thankfully, 1) i don’t keep ice cream in the house and 2) i decided to find a pair of jeans that made me feel sexy (why suffer all day?) and made plans to go roller blading a the beach. little choices lead up to long-term success and if i can tell you anything it is that hard work pays off – and it will for you (and me!) too.

embrace change this week and do yourself a favor – and kick your own a**.



summer bod week #3: buckle down + step it up!

injury update: thanks to a combination of an amazing chiropractor, an incredible doctor, a “cocktail” of drugs, and a lot of prayer – my back is feeling so much better after my little spill.  the doc said that the inflammation was pretty severe so he had me on some muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory meds which made me feel a bit loopy – i’m afraid to go back and see emails i sent while my head was in the clouds.  anyhow, i took it easy for the week and only had a few minor panic attacks about not being able to hit the gym, but i did walk every day for at least an hour and was more careful than usual with my food intake.  the outcome though was not negative at all: it made me appreciate my body even more, be more mindful with my nutrition, and made me crave the gym….so now that my body is back in action, watch out because i’m ready to go as we head into week #3 of the 12-weeks to a summer bod program.  (p.s. thank you for all the well-wishes/sympathy/positive thoughts!)

last week you (hopefully) hit the gym at least 5 days and were active all 7…and i gave you a nutrition program so you could start cleaning up your act.  here’s the thing: i’m all about enjoying life and my mantra is to “live life fit” but enjoy all things in moderation. but i’d be lying if i didn’t tell you that there comes a time when you have to buckle down and do some dirty work to reach your goals.  training for the competition last year made me realize that sometimes we cave to temptations because it’s easier, but often times we learn so much more about ourselves when we push through.  so as you plan for the coming week really think hard about what your goals are and reflect back on that big goal that is driving you.  how important is it to you?  is temporary satisfaction more important than long-term success?

if you’re following me through this 12-week program it’s because you want to step it up and be your healthiest self that you can be.  and i’m right there with you!  that’s the beauty of this – i’m real…and i have my struggles and insecurities just like everyone else.  case in point: i’m at the grocery store the other day and see 2 guys from my gym and one says to me “oh you’re the girl from the gym with the SICK abs!  i’ve never seen a 6-pack on a girl like that before.”  and all i can think to myself is “uh, yeah….like a year ago!”.  now i’m not saying i’m fat or anything extreme like that – but just because i have pictures on my blog and facebook flaunting my “sick” abs  (i must admit they were pretty awesome…and i literally worked my butt of for them!)…that doesn’t mean i don’t have rough days just like you.  so understand that where i am at right now is probably right where you are!  i could get frustrated and give up – but frankly, that’s not me.  so pick yourself up wherever you are and join me…we’re going to focus as we step it up even more this week!

weekly fitness challenge: burn baby burn!
i can’t stress enough how important it is to keep moving through your entire workout. if your goal is to lose body fat then you’re going to have to torch some major calories.  that means a workout regimen that is a combination of strength training (to build muscle so you burn more calories even at rest) with circuits in between sets and then some heart-pounding cardio sessions.  again – between sets you’ll want to do 30 seconds of either jump rope, walking lunges, hopping up and over a bench from side to side, squat thrusts, pushup, crunches, leg lifts…you name it – just keep MOVING!  we’re going to continue with the same splits this week – and some of you asked what a split is: it’s just a term for how you “split up” working out the various muscle groups.  some splits would be doing all upper body exercises on one day and all lower on the next.  for this program we’re focusing on one body part per day so that you’re in and out of the gym in an hour tops.  for cardio this week – we’re going to pick it up just a bit more because to burn fat you have to burn calories!  just to define: steady state cardio is where you keep your heart rate about the same through the entire workout – aim for about about 75% of your max (max = 220 minus your age).  intervals are where you push yourself every 2 minutes all out for 30 seconds then recover for 2 minutes, then do it again!  take a few minutes and plan out your week ahead in your fitbook: jot down each day’s workouts so you have a plan of attack.  here’s your weekly plan:

monday: back + 35m steady state cardio
tuesday: chest + 20m interval cardio
wednesday: 30-45m active rest (walking, etc.)
thursday: legs + 35m steady state cardio
friday: shoulders + 35m steady state cardio
saturday: arms (bis/tris) + 20m interval cardio
sunday: active rest (play softball, go for a swim, ride your bike – just move!)

**TIPS: for strength training keep doing 3-4 different exercises per body part with 3 sets per exercise. looking to bulk up? do 8, 6, and then 4 (or to failure) reps. wanting to build strength & muscle tone? aim for 12, 10, and 8 reps – but always push yourself so the last rep is tough!  need a resource for WHAT exercises to do for each body part: check out the books/mags that i love or even just go to either or and type in (for example) “chest exercises”.

weekly nutrition challenge: choose wisely
so if you’re in this – yes you may have to forgo some temporary pleasures…but it will be worth it and you might just learn how capable you are along the way!  with summer right around the corner i start switching my afternoon coffee breaks with friends to walking-talking get-togethers and choose to opt for fresh berries for dessert instead of soufflé.  these are choices i make pretty much every day, however like everyone i want to be in tip top shape for summer too.  instead of following some crash diet (four-letter-word!) – i make little tweaks that make a big difference.  here are a few things you should try this week with your nutrition:

  • get a 1L bottle of water and aim to drink at least 2 per day.  then add in 1 cup of green tea (fat burner) and 1 glass of emergen-c (little packs of vitamin c mix at the grocery store).  not only do you take in even more water so you’re drinking almost a gallon a day, but the vitamin c blocks cortisol (stress hormone) that promotes fat storage.
  • fill up on healthy foods like veggies and broth-based soups before a meal – research shows you’ll consume fewer calories at each meal.  just be careful that veggies are grilled or steamed (and not soaked in butter) and that the soup isn’t loaded with sodium.
  • cure your sweet tooth with natural sugars like fruit or even trick yourself into thinking you’re eating something sweet by topping a baked sweet potato with cinnamon and a little (key word little!) splenda.  want my recipes for healthy but sweet treats? click here.
  • limit alcohol.  moderation – yes.  buckling down to get in the best shape of your life?  well – you might just have to say no (gasp!) to some things for a short while. whether it be alcohol or juices or soda – when you’re trying to get in tip-top shape, it’s important that pretty much all your liquids be either water or something low calorie with a health benefit (green tea or coffee…and easy on the sugar/cream).

continue to follow the meal plan from last week – but this week be more mindful of the choices you make.  set yourself up for success and learn to say no.  we get so accustomed to thinking we can have whatever we want when we want it – but the truth is, some things require sacrifice.  you know i’m all about enjoying life, but let’s focus…buckle down…and in less than 10 weeks we’ll be in killer-fabulous shape and be able to “maintain”.  for now, buck-up!

wow. i feel harsh. maybe it’s because i’m so dialed in right now and focused that i don’t want to let anything or anyone get in the way of my goals.  let me know if you have any questions…comments…concerns…or just want to vent.  now that my body is healed (cue the angels singing…awwww!)….i’m so in this and am bringing you right along with me. make it a great week!

in (tough) love,


summer bod week #2: walk this way

upright – that is.  without going into too much detail, basically i have yet to master the art of walking.  a lovely stroll down the street in denver last week i was sauntering along in my italian stiletto black leather boots, laptop & purse on one shoulder, and of course starbucks in-hand…and apparently a slight crack in the sidewalk was all it took to send me sprawling.  a roll of the ankle, a twist of the neck, a pull on the hammy, and a real nice crick in the back…about 8 or 9 steps later i had managed to stay upright but i think i would have been better off going down.  it had to be quite entertaining for anyone who witnessed my graceful almost-tumble.  i must say though, i did manage to save the starbucks amidst the stumble which was obviously my primary concern.  so if you’ve seen me complaining on facebook about my injury, please let me preface this with: i’ve never really been injured and i hate whiners.  so now i’m injured and now i’m whining about it. go figure.  5 days, 2 chiropractor visits, 3 bags of frozen broccoli, and countless tablets of advil later – here i am.  still not better. still whining.

here’s the scoop on why i’m waiting til the wee hours of sunday night to write this blog which is SUPPOSED to be up so you can plan your week in advance (my bad):

  1. doctor’s orders: i can’t train for the mud run.  while i was highly vocal about dreading it, i was truly looking forward to the challenge. so i wasn’t exactly stoked to announce that i have to back out from training.  no running for me for at least another 2 weeks, leaving me only 4 weeks to train for a sub-7m-10k.  yeah – not happening.  however my goal is to get better so i can follow the training plan for it – it was BRUTAL and i’m so wanting to still take that on.  for now, i have to practice what i preach (and doctor’s orders) and listen to my body.
  2. i’m a little freaked out. it’s messed with my head a little bit – i’ll admit it.  i’ve always feared getting injured because working out and being active are just part of who i am. not to mention, i can’t even enjoy food if i feel like it’s not being used to fuel my body for anything other than plopping myself in front of my laptop. i have to move!  so a quick call with my girl kim and she put it to me straight: “well, now you have a perfect reason to eat super-duper clean for the next few weeks because you ain’t gonna be movin’ all that much!” (pardon the slang but that’s pretty much how blunt she is – and it works.)
  3. i can’t workout – all i can really do is walk, so i’ve spent the last few hours racking my brain on what i would write in my blog if i can’t even do more than walk at a swift pace, and even that is questionable given my aforementioned ability to put one foot in front of the other without taking a nosedive. then i realized: this 12-weeks to a summer bod is about you, not me.

which leads me to YOU…YOUR 12-week summer bod program.  hopefully you spent this past week gearing up and setting goals.  if you haven’t noticed the beautiful weather, let that be a nice little reminder that summer is right around the corner – which means time-is-a-tickin’!  so last week you were supposed to think about what your 12-week goal is,then get the gear you need to reach that goals prep your space, and then make time for yourself each week (preferably sunday night) to plan out each week so you take steps toward reaching your 12-week BIG goal.  what’s your goal?  tell me!  (i’m going to have to revisit that one – it may go from running a muddy 10k to just walking a city block in 2-inch high heels.)

did you step it up last week and add a little bit more onto your workout routine?  were you mindful when eating so that you’re completely in-tune with your body and emotions to ensure you’re eating for fuel?

so this week – it’s on.

weekly fitness challenge: circuits + splits
regardless of how you’ve been training, try adding circuits to your strength training program so that you’re moving constantly.  between each set you’ll throw in 30 seconds of either jump rope, walking lunges, hopping up and over a bench from side to side, squat thrusts, pushup, crunches, leg lifts…you name it – just keep MOVING!  that gives your muscles plenty of time to recover by the time you circuit, then change weights and hit the next set.  next, try this split for your workouts: one body part per day.  this allows you to focus 100% on that muscle group and your strength training session lasts only about 20-30m, including circuits which keep your heart rate up the whole time.  add in some cardio, with length of time depending on your current physical shape, and you’ve got a killer workout in less than an hour a day.  plan out your week ahead in your fitbook and then jot down each day’s workouts ahead of time so you know what you’re doing when you get there.  here’s the deets:

monday: back + 30m steady state cardio
tuesday: chest + 20m interval cardio
wednesday: 30-45m active rest (walking, etc.)
thursday: legs + 30m steady state cardio
friday: shoulders + 30m steady state cardio
saturday: arms (bis/tris) + 20m interval cardio
sunday: active rest (don’t be a bum!)

**for lifting do 3-4 different exercises per body part with 3 sets per exercise. looking to build muscle? do 8, 6, and then 4 (or to failure) reps. wanting to build strength & muscle tone? aim for 12, 10, and 8 reps – but you should always be struggling on that last set/rep!

weekly nutrition challenge: clean it up!
wanna sport a bathing suit soon? time to rid your diet of all those preserved foods (most of the time) and eat clean.  aim for 6 meals a day with your pre- and post-workout meals being super important to fueling your workouts and feeding your muscles. sit down and jot down when (approximately) each meal should be based on when you workout so you’re eating every 3-4 hours.  SUPER IMPORTANT: drink up!  hydrate like crazy with the H2O which does wonders for your bod and, by the way, keeps you full when you’re cutting calories.  speaking of which: i vowed not to count calories anymore, but it is a good idea to know approximately how many you should be consuming each day.  here’s a sample breakdown of what your meals should consist of to eat clean and still fuel the body:

breakfast: whole grains + fruit + protein + fat  (oatmeal w/fruit, coconut oil and scrambled egg whites)
snack 1: protein (dairy) + fruit + fat (greek yogurt w/blueberries and walnuts)
lunch: protein + veggies + whole grains (big spinach salad w/chicken, fish or turkey, and quinoa or brown rice)
pre-workout: protein + slow carb (protein shake and brown rice cake or sweet potato)
post-workout: protein + fast carb (protein shake and fruit/sugar…hint: chocolate milk is the best post-workout meal!)
dinner: protein + veggies (fish/steak/chicken/turkey/eggs and as many veggies as you want!)
snack 2 (optional): protein only (before bed opt for either a protein shake or cottage cheese)

i’ll have more little inside tips + tricks for you next week but this should keep you busy!  the most important part – eat clean. try your best to avoid the condiments and add-ons that usually pull unnecessary sugar and salt into your body.  follow this plan 5 days a week and you’ll be doing good…6 days a week and your body will be rockin’…and 7 days a week, well that’s just incomprehensible to me because i personally need one meal a week where i can eat something that my body’s craving.  so whether it’s making my healthy french toast on sunday morning or enjoy frozen yogurt on fridaynight, i have to enjoy a few things in moderation to keep me sane.  my tip: do what works for you!

so i’m pushing you this week to really focus. i’m out of commission (workout-wise anyway) so do me a favor and kick it up a notch. when you’re working out, appreciate that you’re able to push yourself hard and give yourself credit for committing to get in (better) shape.  and when you’re eating, don’t think about what you can’t have, but instead focus on nourishing your body for optimum health.  on that note, i’m off to bed as i’m not practicing what i preach on the importance of getting 8 hours of shut-eye a night.  see what i do for my fitbookers?
in pain but smiling,

May 2024

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